Nintendo DS reviews from non-traditional gamers, ie not losers.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


well now that we've got something resembling a blog, i'm going to start writing my first-ever video game review. it occurs to me that something like a video game review blog is lame for two reasons, double-dorky even, but i was talking with stacey and we're both really excited about the DS as a platform. when i was growing up, video games were not allowed in my house, in theory because the temptation to play them instead of doing homework would be too great (suckers: i didn't do my homework anyway). for some reason, however, i was allowed to save up my money and eventually buy a gameboy, and from that point on i've always preferred hand-held games to the standard TV systems. the DS is both a return to the golden age of SNES and N64 pick-up-and-playability, and incredibly innovative in a number of fundamental ways. i've barely touched my PS2 since it came out; before the DS's release i was, like many gamers my age, pretty fed up with the shit being pumped out on the "big" systems. Halo and its ilk have never interested me and i just didn't see the innovation that was happening constantly in the early days of video games: games were in a rut. the DS is making games fun again, a trend i'm hoping to see Nintendo carry over to the Revolution. until then we have the DS, and we all look forward to writing some reviews that you don't have to be a shut-in pimply lonely male to appreciate.